
Orientation for further studies and career

We support the individual career planning process of the learning partners through a wide range of age-appropriate activities. Our holistic concept enables them to gain insights and practical experience in the professional world and to make a career or study choice according to their strengths and wishes.


Our goals

The combination and design of our programs is intended to provide the learning partners with sufficient space and time to

  • to discover their personal strengths and competencies
  • to explore their own values as well as their dreams and desires for the future,
  • to gain practical experience in the professional world
  • to get opportunities to make contacts with professionals of different professions,
  • to learn about the variety of occupational and educational opportunities (e.g. dual and school-based training, dual studies, university studies).

These aspects are essential elements of career and vocational or university orientation, which fit together like pieces of a puzzle and are a prerequisite for a successful start in the world of studies and careers after graduation from school. This enables the learning partners to make an informative, proactive and individually justified choice of study or career.


Our programs: modern and cliché-free

Our systematic program offers age-appropriate opportunities at the primary and secondary levels. It is important to us that the learning partners are optimally prepared for the professional world of tomorrow. For example, we take into account the megatrends that play a major role in the world of work, such as digitalization and sustainability. However, we are also keen to support gender-equitable career guidance. As a partner of the nationwide "cliché-free" initiative, we are committed to ensuring that our learning partners can make a choice of study or career free of clichés. Accordingly, the school's internal offerings are designed to be gender-inclusive.

Elementary school

In the primary level, the learning partners approach career orientation topics in a primarily playful and creative way, e.g., they deal with their dream jobs and ideas about the future, explore professions through a career rally, and participate in Girls'Day and Boys'Day (starting in year 5).

Secondary school

The offers in the secondary school include different modules that are coordinated with each other and take into account the different phases of the personal development process of the learning partners:

  • Potential analysis and skills assessment
  • Participation in Girls'Day and Boys'Day
  • Career Days
  • Company explorations and trial days in companies
  • Job application training
  • Internship in year 10
  • Workshops, e.g. on time management and finances
  • Projects on (social) entrepreneurship
  • Visits to trade fairs, e.g. Vocatium, Einstieg
  • Participation in events at various universities
  • "Studying from 16" - students studying at universities
  • Supplementary course on studies and careers in year 11


We cooperate with various partners in the implementation of our services. These include, above all, companies from various sectors, associations, universities and the Youth Employment Agency.

In addition, cooperation with parents is very important to us: As the most important role models and advisors for their children, they play a decisive role in the career orientation process. That's why we continuously involve parents in the process and also offer special events for parents.

Teacher with students

Ms. Thomalla, coordinator of career and study orientation, is available to all learning partners as a contact person. As a process facilitator, she supports the learning partners as needed, e.g. through individual consultations, arranging contacts, organizing suitable offers.

FSAS Berlin works closely with Ms. Dralle-Devcic, career counselor at the Youth Employment Agency. She regularly offers counseling appointments at our school and also organizes events on various topics.

Teacher with students

Ms. Thomalla, coordinator of career and study orientation, is available to all learning partners as a contact person. As a process facilitator, she supports the learning partners as needed, e.g. through individual consultations, arranging contacts, organizing suitable offers.

FSAS Berlin works closely with Ms. Dralle-Devcic, career counselor at the Youth Employment Agency. She regularly offers counseling appointments at our school and also organizes events on various topics.

Teacher with students

Ms. Thomalla, coordinator of career and study orientation, is available to all learning partners as a contact person. As a process facilitator, she supports the learning partners as needed, e.g. through individual consultations, arranging contacts, organizing suitable offers.

FSAS Berlin works closely with Ms. Dralle-Devcic, career counselor at the Youth Employment Agency. She regularly offers counseling appointments at our school and also organizes events on various topics.