Freie Schule Anne-Sophie

Bilingual. Digital. Social.

Freie Schule Anne-Sophie

Bilingual. Digital. Social.


Instruction in German and English starting in the entrance class.


Instruction in German and English starting in the entrance class.

Students with VR glasses

With excellent IT equipment, FSAS promotes responsible and creative use of digital media.


With excellent IT equipment, FSAS promotes responsible and creative use of digital media.

Students and teacher

Individual coaching, school festivals, AGs, clubs, excursions and class trips promote a sense of community and respectful interaction.


Individual coaching, school festivals, AGs, clubs, excursions and class trips promote a sense of community and respectful interaction.


The administration team


Welcome to Freie Schule Anne-Sophie Berlin!

Freie Schule Anne-Sophie is a state-approved alternative school in Berlin-Zehlendorf. It consists of an entrance class, an elementary school (1st-6th grade) and a secondary school (7th-12th grade).

It is a bilingual all-day school with classes taught in German and English. A beautifully designed learning environment promotes self-organized and goal-oriented learning. Another focus is on teaching media literacy as well as the responsible and creative use of digital tools and programmes.

The school's mission statement is defined by four basic attitudes: appreciation, mindfulness, willingness to learn and confidence.


Responsibility and openmindedness today for a better future


In an innovative and bilingual learning environment that advocates sustainability and equity, FSAS empowers learners to actively, responsibly, and collaboratively shape their own futures in a rapidly changing world with mindfulness, tolerance, and critical thinking.

Abitur 2023


Freie Schule Anne-Sophie congratulates all graduates of the class of 2023!

The class achieved a very good Abitur average of 1.9.

Out of 28 learning partners, four even achieved an overall grade of 1.0. Tönjes Mannhardt, Jahvis Ruland, Alina Schneider and Tanja Tanaka received a special prize from Würth for their outstanding achievements.



Award as "Excellent Digital School"!

Excellent Digital School

Freie Schule Anne-Sophie was one of four schools in Berlin to be named an "Excellent Digital School" by the Senate Department for Education. In his laudation, Mr Schöpke emphasised that the FSAS is exemplary in showing that excellent education in a culture of digitality goes far beyond technical digital equipment. According to the laudator, the school creates "an atmosphere that enables learners to develop into free and self-determined people who can make mature decisions in a world of omnipotent digitality".

The school is proud of all the learning coaches and learning partners who have made this wonderful recognition possible with their commitment and openness to new developments.

Excellent Digital School logo


News Teaser Sommerfest 2024
Sommerfest 2024

Jahresabschluss im Abenteuerzentrum

News Teaser Fun Day
Fun Day

Spiel, Sport & Spaß für einen guten Zweck

News Teaser Begabtenstipendium 2024
Begabtenstipendium 2024

Feierliche Übergabe der Stipendien

Awards and Partners:

Awards Partners

Visit us on instagram: @fsasberlin